Everything ebbs and flows. Our hearts go between systolic and diastolic pressures with each squeeze and relaxation of our hearts, which are controlled by electrical pulses.
Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub.
Electrical pulses, too, are ebbs and flows, instructions to parts of the body, or sensing information to send to that predictive brain of ours that fills in gaps between the granules of information it gets from our senses.
We ourselves are tides of information, awash with everything we can sense. What we can’t sense, what we haven’t been able to sense, we use technology to interpret to our own senses. We can now see large atoms with our best microscopes on one extreme, and we’re unfolding the galaxy with our latest telescope. We have infrared sensing that we can translate to real time video, and we have equipment that can hear the rumbles of elephants and whales and even the sounds of cut plants.
We’ve shaved the granularity of time down to how much microwaves a cesium atom – a frequency of 9,192,631,770 cycles per second. Long gone is the granularity of daylight on a sun dial. We have a granularity of time based on what we can’t see, and the world presses to make every nanosecond count for productivity. With 8,045,311,447 people on the planet, some dream of 2,080 hours worked by each person – a man-year.
23.75% of an actual human’s life in a year. 33.33% of that life is sleep, if you get 8 hours a night. That leaves 42.92% for… traffic. Spending time with family and friends, and goofing off reading things like this on the Internet
There’s a rhythm to all of this, and it shows in our data, as I skirted in ChatGPT Migrations. And the data pulses around the planet to it’s own little rhythms, it’s own little ebbs and flows, and that gets tracked to make sure that they make the most money from your time.
Ebb and flow.
Get even. Go goof off a while.