I posted some writing ambience before, and today I’ll add to it after going through some stuff.
It honestly helps keep me on track. Maybe it’s the slight motion in the images on the television while I’m writing, maybe it’s the non-invasive sound…
Most likely it’s both. What I do sometimes is put it on a loop, too.
Now and then YouTube will do the, “Are you still watching?” query, which is mildly annoying, but it doesn’t seem to happen as much when it’s on a loop.
Honestly, it may be worth just downloading stuff like this to me.
Anyway, today, after posting about Teravibe, this one is Autumn Cozy who has quite a selection.
Two of my favorites are:
Honestly, I sometimes take a nap to that one too – nice white noise. Rain, I find relaxing.
As I find more related to stuff I find helpful for writing ambience, I’ll make future posts. I still explore, and while I like the Space stuff sometimes, I also find it a bit distracting as well.